Culture & Cuisine!

One of my favorite things to do in New York City is go to a museum or two or three! I have never been disappointed and this trip was no exception. So Tuesday afternoon while Tom was working I hopped in a taxi and headed from the west side to the east side to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I have been there multiple times but it is so large that there is always plenty new to see - and I always love to spend some time in the French Impressionist galleries - their collection is huge! One of the reasons I had it on my to-do list is because a friend of mine from my home town had posted on Facebook that there was a special exhibit of vintage furniture on display that included some drawings from a magnificent home in the town we grew up in - so that sparked my interest and motivation to make a visit. Holiday week in NY with lots of tourists just like me so as I expected the line to get in was long - but moved quickly so I was inside in about 30 minutes. I found the vintage furniture exhibit and the drawings which were framed (9 or 10 total) as part of the exhibit. Much of the furniture itself was from one of the Rockefeller homes including a dressing room totally intact and recreated in the museum - quite impressive! The museum is so beautiful I can't help but post quite a few pictures!!


Main entrance to the Met and the big line I was waiting in! I was very happy the weather was unseasonably warm. 

Main entrance to the Met and the big line I was waiting in! I was very happy the weather was unseasonably warm. 

Main staircase from the front entrance to the 2nd floor. 

Main staircase from the front entrance to the 2nd floor. 

Back atrium of the museum facing Central Park. There is a restaurant off the courtyard on the lower level. So pretty at dusk. 

Back atrium of the museum facing Central Park. There is a restaurant off the courtyard on the lower level. So pretty at dusk. 

Two of the drawings by George A. Schastey & Co. for the Hegeler Carus Mansion that were in the Vintage Furniture exhibit.  

Two of the drawings by George A. Schastey & Co. for the Hegeler Carus Mansion that were in the Vintage Furniture exhibit.  

The Hegeler Carus Mansion in LaSalle IL completed in 1876. It is 5 stories high and has 2 floors below ground level. You can tour it and it's amazing! 

The Hegeler Carus Mansion in LaSalle IL completed in 1876. It is 5 stories high and has 2 floors below ground level. You can tour it and it's amazing! 

The museum had some beautiful holiday decorations but this Tree of Angels was my favorite! 


It was very large and had nativity scenes all around the base - and all the decorations were angels. 

It was very large and had nativity scenes all around the base - and all the decorations were angels. 

Completing the culture part of my trip was a visit Wednesday to the new Whitney Museum of American Art. The Whitney has been a part of the NY museum scene since the early 1900's, but in May 2015 the new building right on the Hudson River opened - and it was wonderful! I walked over right when it opened and still waited in line about 25 minutes to get in - but so worth it! The building itself is worth a trip - and has spectacular views of New York City in all directions. I saw a special exhibit that took up the entire 8th floor by Archibald Motley, and another on the entire 5th floor by Frank Stella. The 7th floor is selections from the museum's own collection and included 2 paintings from our KC artist Thomas Hart Benton - so I felt like a proud parent! I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to see everything so will certainly make a return visit.  


Views from the Whitney - west, east and north. I can see New Jersey!! 

Views from the Whitney - west, east and north. I can see New Jersey!! 

One of the Thomas Hart Benton paintings. 

One of the Thomas Hart Benton paintings. 

Now for the cuisine remainder of the trip! When it comes to food in NY it never disappoints. My goal on this trip was to try new places since I have a tendency to want to keep returning to the places I have loved from previous visits - and all in all did pretty well. Two of my favorites though I had to get back to - the Meatball Shop and Rice to Riches for dessert. The Meatball Shop has the BEST meatballs - 5 or 6 different kinds, sauces and your choice alone, as a sandwich, over pasta or risotto etc. There are now 5 or 6 locations around the city but I like to go to the original location on Stanton St. Rice to Riches is a rice pudding restaurant - that's all they sell but like 15 different kinds! And you can taste them all just like at an ice cream shop. And get different toppings and mix ins. Plus the store itself is so cute. If you are in NY it's a must stop and eat!  Plus Rice to Riches is right across the street from Lombardi's Pizza which is supposedly the first pizza place in NYC - and delicious! Also very busy so plan to wait and be patient.





This was Tom's - Cheesecake rice pudding topped with cherries. I had Chocolate Chip! 

This was Tom's - Cheesecake rice pudding topped with cherries. I had Chocolate Chip! 

I love lists! To-do lists, and best-of lists - so I happened to see a list of the top 20 bagels in NY and saw that one of them was 3 blocks from where I was staying. Can't come to NY and NOT have a bagel so one morning I walked over and tried Davidovich Bakery. It is located in the Essex Market which is a very cool place with lots of different food shops under one roof. People in NY talk about bagels like people in KC talk about barbecue and Chicagoans talk about pizza. I'm not an expert but I thought it was good!  


Cinnamon Raisin with plain cream cheese. I could almost finish it! 

Cinnamon Raisin with plain cream cheese. I could almost finish it! 

I love a great sandwich and NY has them everywhere you look. Lenny's has been in business for years and has locations all over the city. I had a great sandwich there one day!


They always have the best bread and slice the meat and cheese so thin.  

They always have the best bread and slice the meat and cheese so thin.  

The last day I met Tom for lunch and we ate at a spot close to his office that he goes to called Mexique - kind of upscale Mexican food that as expected was delicious. 


Chicken enchiladas for me, shrimp and rice for Tom. 

Chicken enchiladas for me, shrimp and rice for Tom. 

A few other random things we did were visit friends of Tom's that just had a baby!! Little Charlotte was only 2 days old when I got to hold her - so precious!  



If you wonder what a subway stop looks like in NY here is a typical one. 


This one is on the upper east side but they all look pretty much like this. Relatively clean and I always feel safe. A great way to get around cheaply! 

This one is on the upper east side but they all look pretty much like this. Relatively clean and I always feel safe. A great way to get around cheaply! 

I went over to see the Macy's animated displays and they had a Charlie Brown theme - adorable! 



The store inside was very decorated and packed with people doing just what I was doing - checking out the decorations!  



If you turn around while at Macy's the Empire State Building is right behind you! 


One of these trips I will go up to the top! 

One of these trips I will go up to the top! 

And last but certainly not least is a picture of my favorite building in NY - The Flatiron. Bult in 1902 - a 22 story triangle that faces Madison Square Park. Amazing architecture back then and still today. 


The Flatiron Building - 1902

The Flatiron Building - 1902

The trip was wonderful - action packed with lots of great food. Tom and I had such a great time and the weather couldn't have cooperated more. I tracked myself at walking over 45 miles in 5 days and that wasn't even trying - just normal walking between trains and to get where we were going. No wonder most New Yorkers are thin. I can't wait to go back - thanks for everything Tom!