The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
Well yes! It is a wonderful time for many people. But I like to think every day can be the most wonderful - because I believe happiness is a choice, and we are all responsible for our own happiness. It can also be a super stressful exhausting time - I talk to people every day that don't seem to be enjoying it. They are putting so much pressure on themselves to create the perfect holiday that they aren't enjoying it very much - and that kind of makes me sad.
Every day I write in my paper planner "Do more of what makes you happy." Using a paper planner makes me happy! So that also means do LESS of what doesn't make you happy. I started enjoying the holidays so much more when I started doing less to make them perfect. A tree, decorating, cooking, baking, shopping, sending cards - the list can be endless!! I'm getting stressed just thinking about what I used to do!! The two things I enjoy the most are using my Christmas dishes and sending cards - so those are the two things I do. This has freed me up to do so many fun things - like volunteer as an usher at the beautiful Kauffman Center!
Kauffman all dressed up for the holidays!!
I saw the Nutcracker Friday night free as a volunteer! Highly recommend!! Also saw Handel's Messiah the previous Friday night free. Not as much a fan as I am of the Nutcracker but that's just me. Still glad I got to be there. The Hallelujah chorus was phenomenal.
One of my favorite things to do every year! New choreography, sets and costumes.
Union Station to see the beautiful tree! Who needs one in their own home when I can walk two blocks and see this one!
And visit the free model train display at Union Station with a mini replica of the building I live in!
Train displays of all sizes and many of the trains still running.
I've been to the Plaza many times since Thanksgiving to meet friends for drinks and see the beautiful lights. Why have a Christmas party when it's more fun and easier to just meet for drinks. It takes the stress off me of cleaning, shopping, planning and preparing and still accomplishes the purpose of getting together with people I care about to wish them a wonderful Christmas!
I had time to attend the Christmas party of my running group and share holiday fun with these great ladies.
KC Express - runners that always have fun too!!
Attended a holiday jazz performance at the Jazz and Negro Leagues Museum here in KC.
The museum is right across the street from the famous Gem Theater where they still have world class jazz performed.
Got to do the Santa Run this morning with my Elf friends. Can you even find Santa in this picture of beauties?
Santa looks pretty happy!
And I still have lots of fun holiday things I plan to do in the next two weeks. I limit my shopping to pretty much only things that can be eaten, drank or used up and thrown away. The less stuff I have the less time I need to spend taking care of it, and most of the people I buy for have plenty of stuff and don't need or want more. With the money I save I can donate more to causes and people that do need things - like food and opportunities to improve their personal situation so they can in turn take care of themselves and their families. So if you are feeling stressed and not enjoying the holidays as much as you would like to - look for ways to do less!!
Next on the list of things I have been wanting to blog about are two new restaurants I have tried lately. First up The Oliver. Located on the Plaza right across the street from the Capital Grille. Owned by the same group that owns Gram & Dun, Urban Table and BRGR. They describe it as a southern tavern. Since I can't recall every being at a southern tavern, I guess I have to believe them. It seemed to me in terms of decor to have more of an old Hollywood feel, not that I have ever experienced old Hollywood! Love the leather chairs and booths and old pictures on the wall. They also have a pretty extensive menu of interesting cocktails. I had dinner with my friend and colleague Kellie and we both gave it a thumbs up.
Red Snapper Tacos for Kellie and a chopped salad with roasted chicken for me. Good wine list also.
Next place was a very authentic French restaurant in Parkville, MO called Cafe des Amis. As I drove into Parkville to meet my friends I was reminded of what a cute and fun old fashioned town Parkville is. Why don't I come here more often I said to myself? Some cute restaurants and adorable shops. Jane had been wanting to try this restaurant so we said why not! It is located in the oldest building in Parkville- dating from 1844. The restaurant is on the second floor above a hair salon, and is owned and run by a couple from France - so it's the real deal. I would definitely return again.
Jane and Theresa waiting for their wine.
Cheese and fruit appetizer we shared, Salmon for Jane, Trout for me and Pork Shoulder for Theresa. Beautifully presented and fairly reasonably priced. All delicious!
Also went out to PF Chang's for a fun night with old friends - because that's what I like to do!
Jack, Penny, Mike, Jeanette and Jim - great friends and good food!
Well that's it for now! I'm heading out to another holiday show tonight that is described as a kitschy nightclub attracting a diverse crowd for adult-themed entertainment with drag queens. You might want to check back soon and read about that!!
A friend posted this and I wanted to pass it on. Hope you're enjoying the holiday season!