Cheesecake Taste-Off Launches!
I'm taking a bit of a detour from writing about travel to start eating my way through the Cheesecake Factory Dessert Menu - and giving my opinion as I compare them! I love the food at the Cheesecake Factory although the portions are too large - especially if you can't take home leftovers. But the dessert menu is a work of art. When I indulge in a slice of cheesecake making a selection can be anguishing - what if I make the wrong choice??!! So when I was there last I decided why not try them all!!! Over a period of time obviously - maybe one selection a week!
But first I did a little research on the history of cheesecake. After all if I am committing numerous funds and calories to this endeavor I want to know a little more about where it came from. And it turns out to be pretty interesting. Cheesecake is no passing fancy - it was popular in Ancient Rome! When the Romans conquered the Greeks they also got the secret recipe for cheesecake - but started calling it placenta - Yuck! It was so revered it was presented at temple to the gods and also served to the Olympic Athletes at the games in 776 B.C.
Fast forward to 1929 when Arnold Reuben owner of the Turf Restaurant on 49th and Broadway in New York City claimed he developed the 1st cream cheese recipe - and the beginning of the New York Cheesecake began. So I thought it only fitting that my first piece in the Taste-Off was the original cheesecake - one I have never tried before! It was spectacular in taste and texture. Smooth and light. Sour cream layer on top adding just the right contrast. Just a dollop of whip cream. Perfection!
My favorite so far!
Since I am making all the rules the two I have put in place are that if I don't like the piece I do not have to finish it, and if I start gaining weight it ends immediately!!! Going for slice number two this week!
In other news I had a wonderful weekend in KC starting Thursday night with Swan Lake! The weather has been spectacular and I had a full schedule of events on my calendar - each one was great!
The Programs!
Thursday night Deidre and I saw Swan Lake at the Kauffman Center and it was wonderful! First time the KC Ballet has done the entire ballet and the sets, costumes and dancing was phenomenal! Friday night I went to my first Arts Alive event with Cheryl and Gina and what a great night that was! First drinks and appetizers at the lovely loft in the River Market of John and Sharon Hoffman - and viewing of their very extensive private art collection. There had to be hundreds of pieces in every medium you can imagine - even video art. They have been collecting emerging artists for 40 years and were so gracious in opening their home for us to browse.
One of my favorites! Made of little pieces of paper written to describe the model.
Cheryl, Gina and me!
Art everywhere - on the table, under the table, behind us, over us!
Then we headed over to the Kauffman Center to hear the KC Jazz Orchestra - and it was fantastic! Beatles, Petula Clark, Tom Jones, and Donovan to name just a few. Saturday Joyce and I went to see the Broadway show Newsies at the Music Hall. Keeley and Tom have seen it in NY and told me I would love it and they were correct. The dancing - all men - was incredible! And the set was very cool and changed levels and moved in and out which was amazing to me since it's only here for 5 days. We had lunch at one of my favorite spots before the show - "Baked" in Westport. I should have taken a picture of their bakery case but didn't want to make you all jealous - but I did get a few scones to take home! Today I am doing my volunteer gig at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Always such a wonderful place and the new exhibit "Rembrandt and Vermeer" just opened. I didn't get here early enough before my shift to see it but have heard it's incredible so will get in soon.
Tonight watching the Oscars!!!