
This post is a potpourri of new and fun things I have done since my return from Europe. Maybe not quite as BIG as what I did there but still worth writing and reading about I think!

First up - the next slice of Cheesecake - or in the case of this piece - a slice of heaven!! I rate this flavor a 4!!! Key Lime Cheesecake! But a disclaimer - I love Key Lime anything!  


Tastes exactly like a great Key Lime pie only the texture of cheesecake! YUMM!!! 

Tastes exactly like a great Key Lime pie only the texture of cheesecake! YUMM!!! 

Just a side note - if you are craving Key Lime and want a lower calorie option the Chobani Key Lime Greek yogurt flip is delicious - and only 200 calories!! Key Lime low-fat yogurt with graham crackers and white chocolate chips. I always keep a few in my frig - 3 to be exact!

My sweet daughter Keeley flew in from Seattle to spend Mother's Day weekend with me - YIPPEE! We had a blast! It was a BIG weekend in KC - the opening of the  streetcar! So first on our list for Saturday morning was a walk to the River Market and a ride home on the streetcar. And like many things in KC - the streetcar is free - at least for the first year.    

Kansas Citians riding public transportation here for the first time! It brought a lot of people down for the opening complete with 2 days of fun events and fireworks! 

Kansas Citians riding public transportation here for the first time! It brought a lot of people down for the opening complete with 2 days of fun events and fireworks! 

Keeley and her husband Matt like many young adults are very into craft beer so there is a new place in my neighborhood called Ruins Pub I thought she would like. It is a take-off on the Ruins Bars in Budapest so also serves Hungrian food. What is really unique about Ruins is that they have 52 beers on tap - 40 of which are self pour. You get what looks like a credit card when you enter and use that card on each self tap to pour your own beer by the ounce. Pretty cool! So that's where we went after lunch at one of our favorite spots - The Mixx and a little retail therapy on the Country Club Plaza. 


I don't really like beer so discovered if you order wine in a beer bar they have a small selection but pour as if it was a beer!! So I had a huge glass of Pinot Grigio! 

I don't really like beer so discovered if you order wine in a beer bar they have a small selection but pour as if it was a beer!! So I had a huge glass of Pinot Grigio! 

Sunday was Mother's Day so we went to one of my favorite places for lunch - Spin Pizza! Great salads and wonderful Neapolitan pizza! Then we stopped at The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art. It's a smaller museum so I like to stop frequently as the main exhibit changes often. The current exhibit is called "A Whisper of Where it Came From." It is comprised of 6 artists who integrate ceramics into their broader mixed-media art practices. I will be honest and say it wasn't my favorite but still interesting and worth seeing.  


Keeley pointing to a ceramic piece that reminded us of the pinch pots every child makes in elementary school.  

Keeley pointing to a ceramic piece that reminded us of the pinch pots every child makes in elementary school.  

Well it was Happy Hour time so we made our way to another great beer bar in town called Bier Station located in the Waldo neighborhood on Gregory and Wornall. It is listed in the top 100 best American Beer Bars so why not check it out??!! Keeley tried some beers and I of course asked for wine confirming my finding from the previous day - they pour wine like beer in a beer bar. And since it was Mother's Day they gave it to me free - nice people! Keeley had some great discussions with the bar tender about beer and I was impressed with her extensive knowledge. 

Coming back from my trip to Europe it was so nice to have the weekend with Keeley to look forward to and we had a wonderful mother/daughter visit. 


My Girl! 

My Girl! 

In other good news Matt starts his new job tomorrow! He finished his service in the military (army) on May 1st so has been looking for a position in the private sector. Thanks for your bravery and service Matt! I wanted to share where he is working because you might have a need and want to check it out. It's a company called Offer Up - and is kind of a newer possibly better competitor to Craig's List. Basically you download the FREE Ap and if you have stuff to sell you can just take a picture of it on your phone and upload to the Ap. They are based in Seattle and doing great so I am excited for him. And I have stuff I want to get rid of so I've already downloaded the Ap. Good bye stuff and hello $$$$! Thinking I should sell ALL my stuff and go back to Europe!! 


Now you know what the Ap looks like! 

Now you know what the Ap looks like! 

The Best is Yet to BE!!! Hope your week has been great!