NYC - One More Day!
One last post from my recent trip to New York City. I only had about half a day and then needed to head to the airport for the return flight home - but managed to squeeze in quite a few fun stops. Tom was working so I left my suitcase at his office and headed right to Rockefeller Center. I’m a Today show fan so wanted to see if I could catch a glimpse of Matt, Savannah and Hoda. To my surprise there was hardly anyone standing outside so I was able to get as close as possible to the glass right outside their studio. I have been there in the past but what has really changed is the security you need to go through just to even stand outside. Almost like going to the airport - metal detector and bag search but it’s just the times we live in now. That was on Monday morning and unless you’ve been in outer space you know that Matt is no longer on the Today show - so all that went down starting Monday night. Pretty crazy and also sad. He really let us down! Savannah is tall and both she and Hoda are really thin - but otherwise look pretty much the same as on TV. They didn’t come outside since there were hardly any people there, but they did smile and wave a lot. I didn’t stay long but it was fun to see the ice rink and big tree - although it wasn’t lit till Weds night.
Next I walked over to 5th Avenue to see some of the amazing store window decorations. They did not disappoint. My favorite was Saks Fifth Ave. They had a Snow White theme for their windows and it was animated and very cool.
The Seven Dwarfs were so cute and were jumping up and down. Lots of great animation and not crowded at all!
Also Cartier looked awesome!
Right across the street from Saks is St. Patrick’s Cathedral so I decided to stop and make a visit. The last few times I was in New York there has been a lot of restoration going on there with scaffolding covering the entire facade. Well that is all complete and it is spectacular. I have been to many beautiful historic churches in Europe and I would put St. Patrick’s right up there with them in terms of beauty. The stained glass inside is magnificent and worth a stop.
St Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Ave. NYC
My last stop before grabbing a bowl of soup for lunch was Moma - The Museum of Modern Art. I only had about an hour so had to make some important choices as to what to see. Since I have been there quite a few times I opted for a special exhibit entitled Items: Is Fashion Modern. I’m glad I did because it turned out to be very interesting and a lot more then just showing clothing. Here is the description of the exhibit - “Among all objects of design, the ones we wear are the most universal and the most intimate. Every day, everywhere, everyone wears something, whether a full outfit or nothing more than a tattoo. Like other kinds of design, fashion thrives on productive tensions between form and function, automation and craftsmanship, standardization and customization, universality and self-expression, and pragmatism and utopian vision. Fashion ranges from mass production to precious, hand-crafted uniqueness. Like all design, it exists in the service of others (sometimes many, many others) and it can have profound consequences-social, political, cultural, economic, and environmental. Of the various design fields, none has, or has had, greater impact.” Ok I couldn’t have put that into my own words!! It was awesome!
I loved ALL the little black dresses - the red shoes - not so much.
In my remaining time just a quick walk through a few of my favorite galleries.
They have 3 of Monet’s Water Lilies!
A quick bowl of delicious soup and I was off to the airport to return to KC. Another great trip! I never get tired of New York and am planning another trip in 2018. I’ve had a few questions as to who the two pretty ladies are with Tom and I. That would be Tom’s wonderful girlfriend Anna and her lovely mom Kim. We had so much fun spending time with them!
I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. Find what gives you the most JOY and do more of that!