San Antonio Final Four!
I’m a huge college basketball fan - if you know me you know that! So of course being at a Final Four was high on my bucket list. Over a year ago when I told my son I was retiring at the end of 2017 he made the great decision that to celebrate we would all go to the 2018 Final Four. I was in immediately so this trip was happening whether KU made it or not. But as luck would have it they did make it so BONUS!
Outside the Alamo Dome wearing my lucky shirt!
We started the day having brunch at an awesome place called Snooze. What a great name for a breakfast spot! It is based out of Denver so there are quite a few locations. If you see one I highly recommend it.
Spring breakfast frittata for me - excellent!
Then we headed down to the River Walk. Every school has their hang out bar or restaurant and Rita’s on the Riverwalk is the spot for KU. It couldn’t have been a nicer day and we ran into friends from KC. As you can imagine everyone was in a great mood. We’re in the Final Four and we’re in San Antonio to see it!
My crew!
We had planned everything for this trip except for one thing - tickets for the game!! But Matt and Tom were very confident and have lot of experience in these situations so we all had faith it would work out. They were tracking ticket prices for days and then minutes as it got closer to game time and they were absolutely correct. We bought tickets an hour before the first tip and got lower level seats for a great price! And all sat together! Awesome job Matt and Tom!
Tracking prices closely.
Now we are off to the games!! I could post so many pictures of the walk to the Alamo Dome and inside but I’ll just post this collage and say it was very cool. A huge arena and high energy from the fans, students, band etc. Not the outcome we were hoping for as KU fans but the better team that night definitely won. I could see Charles Barkley at the big desk but couldn’t get close enough for a good picture. It was enough for me just to see him!!
Huge Jumbotron, and the KU team warming up. We still love them - what a great season!!
We stayed till the very end and left with the other 68,000 walking out of the dome. We were hungry and so took the opportunity to walk away from the throngs of fans heading to the River Walk and instead headed to eat at Mi Tierra for some great Mexican food and Margaritas to drown our sorrows. If you’re ever in San Antonio you must make a stop. It’s huge, open 24 hours and is a feast for the eyes.
Just some chicken tacos for me with Spanish rice but delicious!
We are absolutely going to go to the Championship Game Monday night. I came for the tournament and not leaving till I see “One Shining Moment” on the big screen!! Check back for my next post about our day trip to Austin!!