Florence - Day 9
Today is our last day in Florence and I am going to miss our little street in San Nicole in the Oltrarno area of Florence. This is my view every morning as I head down to the coffee shop right under us for a latte and croissant. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to get a bad cup of coffee in Italy.
Our little street which is very active all through the day and night.
We had lots on our to-do list today but ended up sleeping really late so that went out the window. We decided sometimes you just have to take it easy for a day so instead of running all over town we just narrowed down to a few things - plus it was quite warm today - in the 80’s so perfect for just leisurely strolling the city. Julie wanted to check out The Leather School which was founded in Florence right after World War 2 to educate orphans on leather craft as a way to make a living. Florence as you probably know is well known for fine leather goods, and the leather school leads the way. It is located right behind the Santa Croce Church and the building was lovely along with the fine leather goods for sale.
That’s our new friend Gino sizing a belt and embossing it with initials. They had coats, jackets, purses, wallets, small leather goods, briefcases etc. Don’t you just love the smell of good leather??!!
I had gotten a recommendation on the Bardini Gardens which were located quite close to the area we were staying in and the weather was so perfect to check them out. It was very reasonable to get in - only 6 Euros per person, and they have only recently been opened. They have statues, fountains, flowers, shrubs and a spectacular view of Florence. Also a great little cafe at the very top with an outdoor seating area with that amazing view and we were fortunate to get a prime table and enjoy an afternoon cocktail in the shade.
We had a great dinner at a fun restaurant called Enoteca Coquinarius. Very friendly staff and atmosphere with fresh salads and wonderful wine. They also had some really interesting dishes with boar, venison and beef but we were really craving salad as our diet has been heavy on pasta and pizza. Not complaining but just needed a change.
Two appetizers, Brie and fig jam and pear and pecorino cheese. And then a huge salad with avocado, walnuts, cucumber, carrots and Gorgonzola cheese. Followed by a stop for gelato!
I’m going to miss Florence and hope to come back again. I love the people, the history, the food and strolling the cobblestone streets. But our trip isn’t even close to being over. Tomorrow we head to Cinque Terre which has been on my bucket list for a long time. If it’s half as pretty as the pictures I will be thrilled. Check back and I’ll do my best to share our adventure. The Best is Yet to Be!