Alpine Mountain Biking - Day 17
Blessed with another beautiful day in Slovenia! We knew the area around the lake would be crowded, and since we still have Monday in Lake Bled to do the island and castle, we decided to avoid the crowds and use the mountain bikes the owner of the B&B offered us to see some of the countryside. As an “expert excurstionist” I figured since I had ridden a bike a year and a half ago down the lake in Chicago I was ready. I was not quite prepared for the rough terrain we would encounter, most of which was our fault since we got lost so many times! I had read about a town called Radovljica that was famous for bee keeping (yes I am that much of a nerd!) and had a lot of history so that was originally our goal. On a map it looked to be about 4 miles or so from Bled as the crow flies, but the roads were not built for crows so it appeared we would have to navigate our way through several towns to get there. We figured it would be well marked with good signage - the first of many mistakes we made. To get started we asked a few people for directions which in all cases went like this. We first of all butchered the name 20 different ways so had to always pull out the map and show it to them. Correct pronunciation of Radovljica is rah-DOH-vleet-suh but try remembering that when you’re out on a gravel road in the middle of a field! So they would say something like go right and at some point cross the river and you’ll find a sandy road somewhere and it’s over there. Huh?? And once in awhile a sign for another village we had never heard of. I’ll end the suspense right now and tell you by some miracle we found it! I am still pretty astonished at that, but really worth it. We saw amazing beautiful countryside, perfectly manicured little villages, a gorgeous rushing river with people fly fishing, and lots of toplars!
Wearing our Team Slovenia shirts! A big toplar (Julie does not get as excited as I when we see a toplar) and one of the roads we biked on leading into Ribno.
There were many of these pretty grotto’s along the way. We definitely needed some divine intervention on the ride!
It took us over two hours to find Radovljica and the ride home when we kind of had our bearings took only 35 minutes. When we got to town and looked on the map at all the places we had ridden through it was clear we had gone in circles quite a few times and definitely not stayed on the road. At one point a woman waved us through a field on what was not even a road! But people tried to help us and we just kept going. Radovljica was like a fairy tale town. It sits on a plateau overlooking the Saba River and is very old. The town originally was surrounded by a stout wall and you can still see the remains of it.
There were a few pubs and restaurants in Old Town and people out enjoying a beautiful Sunday.
The beekeeping museum was not open so Julie did not have to suffer through that. Instead we walked through town and saw a cute place to have the famous Slovenian “cheese toast.” Only famous to us because they serve it everywhere and it’s a grilled cheese sandwich.
A picture of the sign to prove we made it! Sandwiches and beer at the oldest medieval pub. We earned it!
Here is my favorite picture of the day. The Alps and the Saba River - so beautiful!
It was starting to get overcast and we had somewhat of an idea how to get back to Bled but had no idea how long it would take so we headed back. We did catch some rain on the way back but just kept going. Just a steady drizzle not a downpour. We have been so lucky on this trip. That was the only rain we’ve encountered and it actually cooled us off. We made it back to the B&B in time to shower and head across the street for our dinner reservations at what we had heard was one of the best restaurants in town. It exceeded our expectations! Pension Berc was wonderful. We’ve had some truly amazing food on this trip and this dinner is in the running for best meal of the trip. The atmosphere was relaxed but elegant. They had a pianist playing the entire time and the presentation of every course was special.
Julie had a beef fillet artfully presented with sauces and veggies. I had homemade egg pasta with beef fillet, sun dried tomatoes, pea pods and capers. For dessert lavender panna cotta with berries and chocolate shavings. And a nice bottle of red wine!
Another great day! We loved seeing some of the countryside and continue to be so impressed at how well everything is taken care of. The people are quite serious and so hardworking, but friendly and helpful. They really remind Julie and I of our grandparents and Dads. I wish my Dad could have seen it but I know he’s happy I’m here.
Thanks for coming along and more to share tomorrow 😊