Pandemic Post
Wow just seeing those words are surreal. I’ve been getting questions about what a person that loves to travel as much as I do is doing now that travel is not an option. So for that reason and because this blog is kind of an online journal for me I decided to go ahead and do an update. So far I’ve only had to cancel one trip. But it was a trip I was really looking forward to, which is pretty much every trip I plan! My friend Cheryl and I were heading to Quebec City and Montreal mid-April. I’ve never been to Canada and since I love France so much it seemed like another place I would get to enjoy all things french only closer and perhaps colder. Half the fun for me is the planning part so my efforts have not been wasted. I will get there, just not sure when.
Quebec City - so beautiful!
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that by the time I need to leave on my next big trip we will be on the other side of this terrible virus. But I’m taking it one day at a time and adhering to every recommendation and guideline and doing everything in my power to stay safe and healthy, and hope you are all doing the same.
Stay home!
If you’re wondering where I plan to go next I’ll tell you. My friend Laura and I have planned a BIG US National Parks hiking adventure. Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Glacier, Sawtooth and Grand Tetons. Planning on being gone about a month and hiking every day possible. Glacier alone has 732 hiking trails! And they all look spectacular. There’s a 50% chance Laura and I are going to drive each other crazy but that means there’s an equally good chance we are going to get along perfectly! We have opposite strengths but both very easy going, low maintenance and drama free. I hope we get the chance to find out.
Just one beautiful view of Glacier National Park.
The other trip I’m working on is Scandinavia in August. Again I’m hoping for the best but fully aware that it might not happen this year. It’s been on my bucket list for awhile and this pandemic is just one more reminder that you need to jump while you can. And it’s a trip that is taking a lot of planning so I’m enjoying all the research. I would go to Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Estonia. Looks amazing!
Copenhagen! I have to see it for myself!
Where I live we are on a 30 day shelter in place order which could be extended. I think it’s absolutely the right thing so I’m getting through the days like all of you are. Weather permitting I am walking lots of miles. I’m in no hurry to get back home but I’m very careful to stay a minimum of 6 feet from everyone. I prefer 12.
Daffodils blooming on the grounds of the Nelson-Atkins Museum. The museum is closed but the beautiful grounds are open with lots of awesome sculptures.
Union Cemetery only about a half mile from where I live. A beautiful very old cemetery with gravestones dating from the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. A great reminder of why flattenig the curve and social distancing are important. And it gives me someone safe to talk to😂
Other things I’m doing to get through this? Cooking for one! I’m as shocked as anyone. It’s not really my thing but I’ve been ordering from Green Chef which is a meal service where they send you all the ingredients and you cook it. The food is fantastic and pretty easy to prepare. Each recipe only takes about 30 minutes and you can order vegan/vegetarian, keto, paleo or a balanced plan. I like that I don’t even need to go to the grocery store where I know the Coronavirus is lurking on a cart ready to jump down my throat. Here’s a picture of the 3 things I had this week but since this is not and never will be a recipe blog no recipes😊
Vegan/vegetarian selections. Top left is kale salad with dried cherries and carrots topped by farro and roasted Brussels sprouts and beets. Bottom left is Thai peanut stir fry with bok choy, carrots and mushrooms. Right is green pea and feta falafel over couscous and kale salad with cherries and pistachios. Making me look like a rock star cook!
My TV/Netflix watching has risen about a 1000%. What am I enjoying the most? Schitt’s Creek on Netflix. Not a new show so as usual I’m late to the party but if you’re looking for lots of laughs and a great distraction from the news check it out.
On Netflix
I’ve been very conscientious about only buying what I need, but being totally transparent I must admit to what I’m hoarding.
Dark chocolate sea salt caramels from Costco. If I eat one a day this should get me through a few months. There may be days I eat two🤷🏼♀️
So that’s it for me. We’re all in this together - stay safe, stay healthy and stay home for all the people that love you❤️