My Move Has Happened!
This blog post has been a long time coming. At least it feels that way to me. I decided to move back to the Chicago area to be closer to my family right around Thanksgiving - and finally this month it happened. Back in December when the first vaccines were approved I decided it was best to get a vaccine and then execute the move. Initially that appeared to be easier said than done with the way the were NOT rolling out, but I made getting a vaccine my full time job and successfully achieved that goal by the first of March. Waited the recommended two weeks for it to fully provide the protection studies have shown and headed to Chicago to find a place to live. And here I am in the cutest little apartment totally settled right when the US is making great progress in a return to somewhat normal. Yippee!
But first I had to say my goodbyes to Kansas City, and the amazing friends that became family to me over the almost 30 years I lived there. Kansas City is a beautiful friendly place with lots of wonderful things to do and see no matter what your interests. And incredible food!
Loved that I spent the last 8 years downtown in the amazing Western Auto Building!
It was so great but also so difficult to say goodbye to all the amazing friends I made there over the years. I appreciate each and every person and group that reached out to plan a brunch, happy hour, lunch, dinner, coffee and run to celebrate our friendship. I cherish each of you and know that we will stay in touch. Please come visit and I’ll be the best darn tour guide you’ll ever have! And I’m free!
Just a few of the gatherings - for many we were too busy talking and laughing (and sometimes crying) to remember to take a picture.
This is still going to be primarily a blog about my travels, as I still intend to keep checking off all the places on my list. I read 10 articles a day on what is happening around the world with Covid, and while I know there are places that either have opened for vaccinated Americans or planning to soon - I’m going to hold off on leaving the US until 2022. Even my idol Rick Steves is currently not planning for travel until 2022 - so I’m sticking with him. After cancelling all my plans for 2020 I’m going to be cautious and live to travel again. But I do have some travel plans for this year in the US that I’ll be blogging about, and so many fun things I’m looking forward to right here where I am and in the weekend driving area - so check back or sign up to be notified when I post by clicking on the subscribe tab on the home screen😊
This will never be a cooking blog - but it could at least temporarily turn into an architecture blog! I have always had a strong interest in architecture and when I’m in many beautiful art museums I spend nearly as much time examining the building as I do the art. So there might not be a better place for me to live than right where I currently am. Oak Park, IL is not just the home of Frank Lloyd Wright but quite a few other significant architects that worked in his studio. As I walk the town to familiarize myself with it I am captivated by the amazing homes and always looking for the little plaques crediting the architect and often times the historical designation. I’m learning as much as I can about Frank Lloyd Wright and have actually put together a walking tour to see all 24 of his homes here and Unity Temple which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019 - putting it in the same category as the Taj Mahal. Wow! So if you’re in the area let me know and I will happily give you my tour. Depending on the time of day and your preference I can add a stop at an amazing ice cream parlor or glass of wine.
Pleasant Home is another gorgeous home to tour. Designed by the architect George W Maher in 1897 it is now owned by the park district and open for tours on Thursday. It’s in Mills Park and is well worth checking out. I have included it on my walking tour🤗
Pleasant Home and also called the John Farsons House.
Another famous person from Oak Park is Ernest Hemingway and his birthplace has been turned into a museum.
Can easily be added to my tour.
So far I took the L (the subway) into the city once and it worked out great. Easy, fast and reasonable. Had to make a stop at The Bean in Millennium Park to say hello. Designed by another Frank - Frank Gehry. It is to Chicago what the arch is to St Louis - when you see it there is no doubt where you are.
It’s great to be back!
I will be posting food - I’m in the process of making a list of all the places I need to visit. What I’m doing extremely well on is visiting bakeries. The good old kind that have been around for 100 years and have so many delicious pastries, coffeecakes, cinnamon rolls, cookies, brownies and cakes that you have trouble deciding what to get. So I will definitely continue walking and running in order to consume them. I did manage to swing through the drive through of Portillo’s and pick up an Italian beef sandwich on moving day. Just as delicious as I remembered!
I like mine with sweet peppers😋
This reminds me of the flowers I see as I walk my new town.
The best is yet to be! The world is opening up. If you haven’t gotten your vaccine get one for yourself and everyone you know and love. Check back soon and welcome back to me🤗