60 Days to 60!!
On December 6th I will be 60. It seems like a pretty momentous birthday to me so I decided to start a 60 days to 60 countdown and today is Day 55. Every day I will go, do, try or eat something that is new, fun, delicious or something that makes me happy. I have had lots of great suggestions from friends and yes - there is a list! (I LOVE lists!) And the great thing about being 60 is that it is MY list and only has to make me happy. So I will be posting some things that I do that I think might be interesting or fun to read about - but not going to post each and every day because some of them will be small - like I love cupcakes so it might just be eating a special dessert. And since I am working during the week it's harder to do BIG things - so I will save them for the weekends.
Today Day 55 was a fun day. I met my friend Julie at PF Changs for a delicious lunch and along the way happened across the Royal Throne made of baseball bats. And got to sit in it!
They did offer me a crown but a tiara is more my speed.
After lunch I went to the new Toy and Miniature Museum on the UMKC campus. What a wonderful place that is! If you haven't been take a child, a friend or go by yourself. I was amazed at how many memories it brought up. They have toys from the 1800's all the way to present times and it is beautifully displayed with lots of interesting information about the toys, the period they come from and even how they are made.
Here are a few of my favorites from my childhood.
Chatty Cathy, Tinker Toys, Chinese Checkers.
Barbie, Ken, and Skipper in the original Barbie House. Barbie is the best selling toy Mattel has ever had.
The miniatures are incredible. So intricate and detailed - and a nice area that explains how they are made. They have tons of doll houses from many different time periods also. I wanted to take pictures of every window I was so amazed but will keep it to just two - keep in mind these are miniatures!
The Toy and Miniature Museum - pretty building and a beautiful day!