It's Opening Day!!!
It couldn't be a more perfect weather day - perhaps just a tiny bit windy - but really spectacular. You might be saying - I didn't know Patti was such a baseball fan??? But since the Royals won the World Series this past season everyone here is now - me included!! So Go Royals!!! The rematch with the NY Mets tonight!! And still stinging from the KU basketball loss last Sunday to Villanova. College basketball is officially over tomorrow night after the Championship game so I need to make the switch. But I will be a little sad on Tuesday as I start counting the days till October 15th.
It's been a busy and fun week. So just a brief recap of some of the fun things I did in KC this week. Tuesday night was another Arts Alive event - and a good one! We started with drinks and appetizers at the National Museum of Toys and Miniatures located on the campus of the University of Missouri Kansas City. I blogged a bit about this place previously in the fall when I made a trip there fairly soon after their grand re-opening, but worth mentioning again as it is a real treasure and it's right here! It is housed in a 38 room Italianate building at 52nd and Oak. It originally opened in 1982, but as I mentioned just underwent a huge renovation and now has a collection with over 72,000 objects. The museum has the world's largest collection of fine-scale miniatures and one of the nation's largest antique toy collections on public display. A friend of mine just took her 3 children ages 7-12 there last week and she said they had a blast!
Cheryl and Gina in the top right corner!!
After having about an hour to browse the museum we headed to the MO Repertory Theater to see the latest production- The Fantastics." Supposedly this show is the longest running musical in Off-Broadway history, so I'm surprised I've never seen it. It's done "in the round" so I was actually seated on what is typically the stage. I enjoyed it as I do most musicals - and the cast was very talented. The MO Rep is really a great place to see a show here in KC - consistently excellent and small enough where every seat is a good one.
As I mentioned previously I saw a great billboard a few weeks ago. It said "Do More of what Makes you Happy." I have written this each day on my planner as I like to keep my goals front and center. So on my way home from work on Friday I decided to stop off and see a movie. Why not end the work week laughing?? I went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, and it definitely made me laugh. It was also heartwarming, sweet and a little corny. Then picked up a PotBelly sandwich for dinner - a great way to end the work week!!
Saturday morning I got up early and met my running friends for a nice 6 mile run. After, when we were having breakfast one of the ladies who is an artist shared a painting with us that she had made to remind a good friend of hers what a beautiful city Kansas CIty is, and wanted me to see it because it has my building in it!! And I want to share it with all of you as I think it is very special! Thank you Jewelee Lukowski!!!
Can you see me waving right under the Western Auto sign???
Saturday afternoon Jim and I went to see the Da Vinci Exhibition at Union Station. It ends May 1st so better hurry if it's on your list. I know we've all seen the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci as he painted the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and The Vitruvian Man. But I had no idea what a genius he really was!! The exhibit was mostly focuses on his other body of work - and it is incredibly extensive. He was born in 1452 and died in 1519 and in his 67 years he was no slacker.
Da Vinci had an extensive range and scope of knowledge in science, mathematics and nature. His studies, theories and inventions were in the subjects of light perspective, physics, anatomy, war and air. He is credited with inventing the helicopter, parachute and tank to name just a few. He had many notebooks with his notations, drawings and inventions, and many of these have been lost unfortunately. The remaining notebooks are housed in various museums around the world, the only one owned privately is by Bill Gates!
Union Station is such a beautiful and historic building - and still an active train station. There are a number of restaurants inside and we stopped at one of the best when we were done to enjoy a glass of wine.
Pierpont's at Union Station.
My building on the walk home! Built in 1915.
And last but not least the Cheesecake of the week! Chocolate Tuxedo Cream!!! I rate this cheesecake a 4!!!
As I took my last bite I had only one thought - MORE!!! First of all - it doesn't really have the traditional crumb crust. The bottom layer is a delicious chocolate cake - kind of like a devil's food. The next layer is a rich chocolate cheesecake - heavier then the chocolate mousse. Next layer is a vanilla cream with tiny bits of chocolate goodness and all topped with a wonderful chocolate ganache frosting. Every bite was heaven and I highly recommend it for your eating enjoyment. I wish I was eating some right now!!
Countdown to my trip is 12 days!!! Lots to do between now and then - but I have my lists! Make it a great week!!